Spring Renewal & Blossoming
2:30 PM14:30

Spring Renewal & Blossoming

  • Congrgational Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a beautiful heart opening retreat in Tiburon. We will begin the afternoon with a quiet walking meditation on the outdoor labyrinth. We then continue with Yin Yoga, guided meditation, chanting and pranyama. This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature, our yoga practice, and warm supportive community as we anchor into the blossoming of spring within and around us.

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Blossoming Into Our Beauty & Strength
1:30 PM13:30

Blossoming Into Our Beauty & Strength

Breathe in the freshness of spring as we linger in the peaceful quiet of the Yin Yoga practice out in beautiful Point Reyes. We will use the afternoon to reconnect and center ourselves in the goodness and strength of who we are and recommit to sharing that goodness in our own individual ways with all of life. Meditation, breathing exercises, and chanting will all be part of our wonderful retreat together in warm community. Join us to remember how much well being exists despite current challenges in our lives.

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Gathering Together in Gratitude and Community
2:30 PM14:30

Gathering Together in Gratitude and Community

As we enter this beautiful season of Autumn, it feels like the perfect time to come together for a longer practice to nourish our minds and bodies in our cozy yin practice of deep opening, rest, and release.

Join us for an afternoon of relaxing and enjoying a slower pace that allows us to take in and appreciate all that is being offered to us at this moment in time. And to simply say ‘thank you” to what is unfolding within us and around us in the beauty of nature’s cycle and the support of our warm yoga community.

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Spring Renewal Retreat
to Apr 14

Spring Renewal Retreat

  • Bishop's Ranch Retreat (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For those of you who are unable to attend one of our week long retreats to Europe, we have created an amazing opportunity at a beautiful location amidst the vineyards of Healdsburg to experience what we do on our longer retreats right here in California! Two nights of quiet, cozy lodging, delicious farm to table meals, yoga, hiking, meditation, swimming, rest, community and the renewal of spring in ourselves and hearts as it blossoms all around us.

Retreat cost: 850pp/double - 1100/single

diana@aliveanew.com to reserve your space cell: 508 736 8641

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Opening To Love
2:30 PM14:30

Opening To Love

Join us in this beautiful heart opening Yin Yoga retreat as we listen into and practice expanding the boundless capacity of the love in our hearts and bodies…meditation, breath work, and community. We will be immersed in Thich That Hahn’s, ‘Teachings on Love’.

“Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the very nature of an enlightened person. They are the four aspects of true love within us and within everyone and everything.”

Come out early and hike along beautiful Blackies Pasture already in bloom with spring poppies.

Please reserve your space: diana@aliveanew.com text: 508 736 8641 - limited spaces open.

Looking forward to seeing you and your big beautiful heart on the mat!

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The Stillness of the Solstice
5:00 PM17:00

The Stillness of the Solstice

The sun at its greatest distance from the celestial equator results in the shortest day and longest night of the year at the Winter Solstice. The Latin roots: Sol = sun and sistere is ‘to make stand’. Thus this powerful point of the year as the axis of the Earth shifts and moves in the opposite direction. A powerful metaphor for the energy available to us too to change the direction of our own lives. The seeds that are buried deep within us are warmed by the light of our own conscious attention in this winter season where everything lies dormant and silent in the earth.

Join us on the darkest night by going into that fruitful darkness and silence out of which the soul’s yearnings and new inspirations can in time emerge. We will rest in the peace of the darkness and through meditation, quiet chanting, and yin yoga find the connection to our own inner light ever more brilliant. All held by the warm community of one another.

Space is limited. Please email diana@aliveanew.com to reserve your space. $50

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Grounding into Gratitude
2:00 PM14:00

Grounding into Gratitude

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty YES to your adventure.”

-Joseph Cambell

Quiet the mind, relax the body, connect - give thanks! Receive the nurturing and deep opening that the quiet of the Yin practice offers. In this retreat, we will anchor deeply into the gesture of gratitude…bringing awareness to all the blessings we have in our lives and cultivating practices for future blessings to flow towards us.

As we anchor our whole being into this gesture of gratitude, we become aware of the generosity of our own hearts as well as the generosity of life that is always flowing towards us with blessing. The focus of the practice will be Yin yoga with breath work, chanting, and meditation and a bit of quiet flow to begin.

Bring your journal and an inspiring quote!

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Opening Space within for the joy and freedom of summer!
2:30 PM14:30

Opening Space within for the joy and freedom of summer!

  • 145 Rock Hill Road Tiburon, CA, 94920 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a beautiful heart opening Yin Yoga retreat. We will listen into and practie expanding our boundless capacity for joy and freedom in ourselves as we continue to create our lives with these qualities….meditation, breath practice, and community….OM!

Come early to hike Blackies Pasture along the beautiful Tiburon lagoon.

Picnic on the Bay to follow!

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Opening to Love
2:30 PM14:30

Opening to Love

Join us as in this beautiful heart opening YinYoga retreat as we listen into and practice expanding the boundless capacity of the love in our hearts and bodies…. meditation, breath practice, and community! We will be immersed in Thich Nhat Hahn’s “Teachings on Love”

CCC 145 Rock Hill Drive, Tiburon

“Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the very nature of an enlightened person. They are the four aspects of true love within us and within everyone and everything.” -Thich Nhat Hahn

Come early to hike Blackies Pasture along the beautiful Tiburon lagoon or walk the labyrinth!

Space is limited

Please contact Diana to reserve $100 diana@aliveanew.com 508 736 8641 www.aliveanew.com

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Cultivating Our Inner Light - 4 Saturdays of Advent
to Dec 17

Cultivating Our Inner Light - 4 Saturdays of Advent

  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for this wonderful series of yoga classes as we anchor into the holiday season.  We will not only consciously cultivate this opening gesture of gratitude with our minds/bodies but also practice focusing on cultivating our own beautiful inner light in this quieter darker world of nature’s winter.

Please set up a wonderful home yoga studio for yourself with blocks and a strap and blanket and any other props you love.

Class runs Nov 26th, Dec 3rd,10th, 17th 10am - 11am EST


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Grounding into Gratitude - Thanksgiving Retreat
1:30 PM13:30

Grounding into Gratitude - Thanksgiving Retreat

Quiet the mind, relax the body, give thanks! - connect.  Receive the nurturing and deep opening that the quiet of the Yin practice offers.  In this retreat we will anchor in deeply to this gesture of gratitude…bringing awareness to all the blessings we have in our lives  and cultivating practices for future blessings to flow towards us.  As we anchor our whole bodies into this gesture of gratitude, we become aware of the generosity of our own hearts and the generosity of life that is always flowing toward us. While the focus of the practice will be Yin yoga with breath work, chanting, & meditation, we will begin the retreat with some heart opening flow.


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Envisioning the New Year
2:00 PM14:00

Envisioning the New Year

Join us as we shake things up—sweat out the old and call in the new with a strong vinyasa practice—meditation and chanting and a few quiet Yin poses to close.

Come early for a wonderful hike along the ocean before the retreat, or join for a celebratory toast to the New Year at The Pelican Inn after the practice.

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Autumn Yin Yoga Workshop
3:30 PM15:30

Autumn Yin Yoga Workshop

presented by Soulstice Mind Body Spa

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each season brings its energetic quality. Autumn identifies with the metal element, which cultivates the movement of letting go and enriching ourselves, by pulling inward and finding meaning.

In this two-hour workshop, students will engage in a Yin series specifically related to Autumn and the element of Metal. Asanas will focus on stimulating the lung and large intestine meridians helping to strengthen respiratory function, improve digestive health and increase overall immunity.

Join Diana For this opening and releasing Yin practice while being enveloped by the strengthening healing sounds of Mirabai's music.

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Listen and Receive: Yin Yoga Soundbath to Nourish
3:00 PM15:00

Listen and Receive: Yin Yoga Soundbath to Nourish

Carve out an afternoon for yourself to slow down from all the business of everyday activities and receive the gift of the Yin Yoga practice with sound bath. Return to your center and home of your body as we soak and nourish the deep connective tissue of our bodies in the Yin Yoga practice while being enveloped by the magical and healing music of Lucia's sound bath.

Yin Yoga is an essential quiet yoga practice that brings greater health to the deeper structures of our bodies—the joints, bones and the facial networks that envelop all. The Yin practice will bring balance and nourish the deep tissues of our bodies.

Lucia's sound bath journey in savasana allows for deep relaxation and restoration. Lucia will use her voice (mantras, chants, channeled music), Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, her medicine drum, koshi bells, percussion, kalimba, uke, guitar, looping pedal and other instruments gathered in her travels to create an experience conducive for inner journeying.

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Yin Yoga at The Muir Beach Community Center
2:00 PM14:00

Yin Yoga at The Muir Beach Community Center

Enjoy these last warm days of summer! Come out to beautiful Muir Beach on the Pacific Ocean and play!

Those of you wanting to get a good hike in first—we will meet in Muir Beach parking lot for a strong two hour coastal hike along the Pacific and be back to the beach by noon where you can read and sit in the sun to eat your lunch before the afternoon practice. Bring your own picnic or drop in at the Pelican Inn for a snack. When the yoga practice ends at 5pm—there will be option for a sunset hike out the quiet owl trail along the coast as well.

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Spring Renewal Yin Yoga Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Spring Renewal Yin Yoga Workshop

presented by Soulstice Mind Body Spa

As we move into Spring, the energy in nature is slowly beginning to stir, rising upwards and out of the cold moist earth. There is an energy of growth and renewal happening around us and also within us.

The Liver is the organ associated with Spring and the element of this season is Wood. After the inward stillness of Winter in the Water Element, the dynamic expansion of the Wood Element is now seen in the thousand of shoots, buds and leaves in plants that are exploding back into life. Now is the time of year when your own Wood Element also begins to expand. After the isolation of Winter you are starting to venture out more and experience the return of the sun. Spring is a great time to start new projects, spring clean your home and perhaps make changes to your diet to assist in the detoxification of your body.

Just as the energy of the new shoots push through the ground, so too does Liver Qi in your body. As the energy within you begins to rise, yin yoga can help support Liver Qi during this seasonal change and assist the body’s natural digestive and detoxification functions. This practice allows you to embrace the opportunity to shed old unwanted layers and start making conscious choices to begin again.

Diana offers her students a physically challenging yet balanced yoga practice, that nurtures and supports increasing levels of growth and well being. Her style draws from her studies at Kripalu in Western Massachusetts and in Northern California where she studied under many master teachers in the Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar, and Yin Yoga traditions.

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Telling a New Story, Creating the New You
1:00 PM13:00

Telling a New Story, Creating the New You

The New Year gives us the opportunity to clear and have fresh perspective - releasing that which now hinders and committing to a refocusing upon that which serves to enliven and uplift growing us forward into the ever expanding capacity of who we are becoming.

Join us for this beautiful quiet Yin practice which offers us the container for pause and reflection. And from that wonderful space created in the practice, all things new and exciting spring forth!

Cost: $90

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