The sun at its greatest distance from the celestial equator results in the shortest day and longest night of the year at the Winter Solstice. The Latin roots: Sol = sun and sistere is ‘to make stand’. Thus this powerful point of the year as the axis of the Earth shifts and moves in the opposite direction. A powerful metaphor for the energy available to us too to change the direction of our own lives. The seeds that are buried deep within us are warmed by the light of our own conscious attention in this winter season where everything lies dormant and silent in the earth.
Join us on the darkest night by going into that fruitful darkness and silence out of which the soul’s yearnings and new inspirations can in time emerge. We will rest in the peace of the darkness and through meditation, quiet chanting, and yin yoga find the connection to our own inner light ever more brilliant. All held by the warm community of one another.
Space is limited. Please email to reserve your space. $50